Sound Type: Ever Going to Happen?

Mood: Thoughtful
Listening To: ThouShaltNot - Without Faith
May 28 2024

Ever since I first watched Pokemon Let's Plays back in circa 2008-9 or so, I heard there was always talk of the next Pokemon Types to be introduced. Before Fairy was announced, there was always talk of 'Light' and 'Sound' type. I always thought both were fairly silly: Light is best accomplished with Psychic, Fire, or Electricity; why add another redundant type? Sound, however, always sort of stuck with me.
Its biggest issues for me were that it never had a clear way to determine Weaknesses/Strengths logically. I guess it'd be strong against Water, Ground, and Ice - but does that add anything to balancing? Would it be strong against Electricity to finally give it a definite weakness? What about Flying and Steel and Rock? I can't quite decide where I come down on for those, if they should be strong or weak against 'Sound.'
I highly doubt Pokemon will commit to a Sound Type if only because its so nebulous a type to make logical advantages and weaknesses to, but there's a lot of Pokemon that would fit the type, in my opinion. Currently, it's the same as the current 74 individual Fairy Pokemon.
So I then decided to compile the pokemon list: Pokemon I think should/could be 'Sound' type.

Generation 1 + 2

I think the first 2 generations have the least amount of potential sound pokemon, and so I've grouped them together.

Gen 3

I think Generation 3 is the generation that could have introduced the type with the poster-child Whismur line.

Gen 4 + 5

Maybe even more befitting sound type in this group is the gimmicky Chatot, and a Legendary/Mythical to boot.

Gen 6 + 7 + 8

These gens add not just Fairy, but the perplexing and ongoing theme of a Starter line befitting the sound type.

Gen 9

This is the first gen I think the argument could be made that every starter should become part Sound Type.